Monday, September 30, 2019

British IRA Interrogation

The increase of success of the west cork Brigade, part of the Irish republican Army was the leading factor to a spate of arresting and interrogating the suspects if the IRA volunteers in an effort to identify and ascertain the headquarters of those who were engaging in the guerilla war against the forces of the British. Through interrogation the British managed to break the IRA volunteers through torturing and this lead to discovering that the forces headquarters was in Ballymurphy.After discovering this, British army planned for an operation aimed at capturing the IRA column. This lead to mobilizing of more than 1200 British troops to attack the area from different directions. The operation was done early in the morning to attack the IRA unaware; this was thought to lead British to victory for there were about ten British commanders for one IRA member. As the British tried to encircle the IRA, they were caught by surprise as the IRA was aware of the British plans and they attacked a t the crossbarry roads which lead to having many British casualties.The IRA took British arms and set their vehicles on fire before they were attacked by other British troops but did not succeed even after stiff fire fight and they all retired. Impact of British actions to IRA in bringing peace to Northern Ireland The IRA had structural plans that were governing them through their endeavors. It was evident that the republican were to remain anonymous to every one except the members. No one could talk about the army and this made it hard to uncover the whole truth about the army’s missions and their plans.As their rules had restricted them not to talk about the army in public, not discuss anything concerning the army with anyone, not to go in a company of a known member and not to frequent to the houses of a known member, and the top most issue was not to drink alcohol excessively as this would lead to loose mouth and would reveal the republicans secrets. The army volunteers w ere made to believe that the army was legal and justified. They were taught that that was the only way to proclaim democracy in the whole Ireland.Commitment to the movement was legal and was the only way out to struggle for political justification and is a direct representative of the Dail Eirean parliament and by that was a legal and lawful government of the Irish republic and has right to pass law and to claim jurisdiction over the land, airspace, means of production all its people regardless of creed or loyalty. (Coogan, 1997) This impacted a negative attitude to the IRA members and the people of Ireland in an effort to bring peace.These beliefs made the British have difficulties in trying to restore peace in the country as they were regarded as intruders and were there for their own benefit. This is because the army had claimed to the sovereign government of Ireland and had all the rights to act in any capacity as a government. As the recruits were taught that British army, RUC, UDR and Gardai are occupying forces, were illegal and were completely unacceptable for that was morally wrong, ethnically inexcusable and politically unacceptable.Through the strengthening of these believes, the IRA members were completely resistance to the British armies in their efforts of any form in Ireland. (Hopkinson, 2003) IRA PREPARATION OF RECRUITS The IRA prepares their recruits in a distinctive manner. The recruits are taught on their importance to one another. This helps bonding together the recruits from different back grounds to strengthen the movement bond. As they are recruited they are motivated even they face harsh conditions should persevere for the sake of their nation.The IRA is form of ethnic terrorist seeking to influence the Irish people to reject the British governance. As usual to the ethnic terrorist, according to Byman (1997) they seek to create fear among the rival groups or armies by performing terrorist attacks and moderate movements. The recruitment of the army means entering in your total allegiance in life. This helps the movement to retain the recruited volunteers for they have to obey the commands and the rules set forth for the organization.The IRA recruits are forced to believe whatever allegation is put forward for them and strictly follow the rules. The recruits are trained to persevere any form of hardship they face during their work as armies until they combat the target group. Nationalism is another force that was driving the recruits. They were from all corners of the country and were much concerned over fighting for their nation. This aspect had more power as far as recruits were concerned over the belief system.On the other hand, nationalism can also display the general characteristic of a belief system by providing the recruits with adequate information and equipping their mind with an issue that they are to fight for their nation. (Hopkinson, 2003) Conclusion IRA movement was determined in salvaging the Ireland from the hands of British rule. The British solders effort to combat the IRA guerilla were rendered fruitless for the IRA was always ready for the attack even though they were less in number compared to British solders.The IRA recruits were equipped in their minds that the movement was legal and morally right to fight the intruders whore were settled in the country for their own good. The IRA movement sought to influence to moderators and other ethnic groups to reject the British governance. They were to follow strict rules to ensure the safety and welfare of the movements. Reference: Byman, D. (1997) The logic of Ethnic Terrorism, Washington DC, Rand Coogan, T. (1997) The IRA, New York, Palgrave Macmillan Hopkinson, M. (2003) Irish War of Independence, Journal, Vol

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Elderly Drivers Outline

Elderly Drivers Specific Purpose: We want our audience to agree that the physically disabled elderly people need to retake their test or prove that they can drive before actually getting behind the wheel of a car. Thesis Statement: These elderly drivers, who are physically disabled, should not be driving without retaking the test or doing something to prove they are still capable to drive. I. Elderly are terrible drivers. A. The elderly are an increasing population of bad drivers, because of their health. B.Those include medical conditions like diabetes, having heart problems, having poor eyesight and being delusional. C. People with health risk or even something simple as just wearing glasses should â€Å"renew† their license, and to pass should have to take a small series test as simple as an eye exam. D. Overall, people over the age of 70 should have to perform a simple test to renew their license. II. Problem: According to the U. S. Census Bureau, the population of drivers 70 and older is expected to increase from 27. 8 million in 2010 to 51. 7 million in 2030 and 67 million in 2050.The rapid increase in the older driver population has led to concerns about the potential effects on traffic safety associated with this trend. A. Based on data reported by states to the Federal Highway Administration, there were approximately 22. 3 million licensed drivers 70 and older in 2010. B. A NHTSA study of 1995 FARS (Fatal Accident Reporting System) data reports that senior citizens accounted for: * 5% of all people injured in traffic crashes * 13% of all traffic fatalities * 13% of all vehicle occupant fatalities * 18% of all pedestrian fatalities C.If the elderly continue to drive as their health problems increase, they will not only be putting their selves at risk, but the rest of the population as well. III. Criteria for Solution: The solutions cannot be physically, mentally, or emotionally harmful to the driver. It has to be fair, affordable, and feasible. I V. Possible Solutions: There are a number of solutions that could help prevent harm to drivers of old age. A. Re-test the people over the age of 70+ in every state. B. Give mid-year health check-ups on the elderly to check their capability to drive an automobile. C.On the license plate of an elderly driver, have an identifier on it to signify that it is an elderly driver. D. Make it mandatory to have a passenger with a license to ride in the car with them. E. Check for any diseases, and health risks that would put the driver at risk or being hurt. F. Make sure the person knows the area they drive in. It has to be familiar to them. V. Best Possible Solution: Re-Test the elderly after a certain age. A. Maryland state law allows police, doctors, and residents including relatives to refer potentially unfit drivers to the Motor Vehicle Administration's Medical Advisory Board.B. A 2004 Florida law requiring that older drivers pass a vision test before getting a license renewed has helped cut the death rate among drivers 80 and older by 17%, according to researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Conclusion: In conclusion, we believe people should have to retake a driving test and vision and hearing test every few years to prove they are still safe and capable drivers. Reflective Thinking Sequence 1. Elderly drivers cause younger drivers to have road rage and put their self at risk. We can limit the problem by making drivers at the age of 70 retake the driving test. . The causes of the problem are the elderly’s vision and hearing getting bad. As they get older, they face more problems. 3. The effects of the problem are people getting hurt or put into danger. The driver puts their self into danger and then gets hurt by other drivers or other drivers hurt them. 4. The criteria in which the solutions should be judged are: Health checkups every few years, have another responsible driver in the car with the elderly, and/or retake the driving test at th e age of 70. 5. A possible solution is to have the driver retake the driving test at the age of 70.A strength would be better drivers on the road. A weakness is they may not want to retake the test. 6. The best solution is to make it mandatory for drivers at the age of 70 to retake the test. 7. We can put it into effect by making the retest a requirement at the age of 70. It’s not illegal because some states already put this into effect. Citations â€Å"Elderly Driving. † Elderly Driving. N. p. , n. d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. ;http://www. stritch. luc. edu/depts/injprev/Transprt/tran3. htm;. â€Å"Fatality Facts: Elderly. † Fatality Facts: Elderly. Transsaftey Inc, n. d.Web. 29 Nov. 2012. ;http://www. usroads. com/journals/rilj/0101/ri010102. htm;. Copeland, L. (2009, July 6). States seek tests for older drivers. . Retrieved from http://usatoday30. usatoday. com/news/nation/2009-07-05-older-drivers_N. htm Taira, E. D. , M. Maynard, and M. J. Madigan. Assessing the dr iving ability of the elderly, a preliminary investigation. Binghampton, New York: Routledge, 1991. 215. Print. Rothe, John, Peter Cooper, and Brian De Vires. The Safety Of Elderly Drivers: Yesterdays Young, Todays Traffic. Transaction Publishers, 1990. 435. Print.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Social work Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social work - Movie Review Example Doing so will provide equal benefits to children from varying backgrounds. Liberals believe that only money matters when it comes to education. Hence, school choice is a conservative idea, and not a liberal idea. 4. Harlem Success Academy expansion in the public zone is protested against because some unions, like ACORN, do not want underprivileged youth to get better education through charter schools; since for these unions, such schools are only meant for white advantage elites who protect their money through these charter schools. There are also adult interests for jobs and union rules that are obstructing Harlem Academy expansion. 5. Public education is a â€Å"social welfare† issue according to the film, since it provides educational opportunities to children from all kinds of socio-economic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. It is not intended only for the elite class. Public education is also affordable for low income

Friday, September 27, 2019

600 WORD ESSAY QUESTIONS Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

600 WORD QUESTIONS - Essay Example In the Eastern countries, people consider music as a way to develop and grow certain emotional feelings that would bring closer them to their Lord. And, at the same time, they become softer while communicating with humans as well. There is music in all things if men had ears (Byron, n.d).Music finds its history in both parts of the world- Eastern and Western culture. Additionally, music has been a valid component of human history throughout different ages for human growth and development. Various reasons require studying the history of music. First, nowadays, globally, people only hear the news of killings, rape, violence, lawlessness and chaos. Humans in these times do not avail peaceful time. Second, many authors believe that the message of music is to spread peace, and harmony, not violence or hatred. Third, the music has strange but strong power to attach and bring together people belonging to different sect, caste, and color; it has unique attaching frequency, bringing people closer to one other. For example, if we go to a music program, we meet people belonging to different segments of society. On the other hand, if we go into a religious program, we hardly find such diversity. This prelude is based on the legend city of Ys, which was engulfed in the sea. Once in a year, the city was allowed to rise out of the sea as a reminder of city. The prelude starts with the sound of music. And, slowly and gradually, it increases its sound of music, showing something is emerging. Till the point of full emergence, the sound of music keeps maintaining the same rhythm. Then, the sound of music stops for a few moments, giving some feelings that city stays above the sea for a while. And the city of Ys remain above the sea level for a few moments. Slowly and gradually, that sound of music begins to fall, providing a feel that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A Competency Based, Critical Review of Leadership and Management in My Essay

A Competency Based, Critical Review of Leadership and Management in My Work Organisation - Essay Example The report highlights the key learning points in these two management perspectives and evaluates their role and impact on project outcomes. Specify what you have learnt from the experience in your chosen management competences A key aspect driving the success of any enterprise is its leadership capabilities and competencies of the workforce that contribute to the realization of defined goals and objectives (Deresky, 2006). During the course of our leading and management program, I learnt the significance of individual leadership and motivation in accomplishing task goals and objectives. The theoretical aspects of our course familiarized me to the conceptual frameworks and evidences that drive individual performance in teams and factors that contribute to the efficiency of workforce. While this provided a foundation for our learning process, it was the live project work and assignment that helped me realize my individual strengths and shortcomings in my role as team-player. I came up with the idea of launching innovative training videos and online application tools through OIT (Oxford Information Training). The team was responsible for conceptualizing and framing the company’s product design, framing its marketing and financial strategies to give a distinct shape and direction to OIT’s goals and objectives. The team began with allocating roles and responsibilities to achieve this. The whole exercise provided us with new learning experience and it helped us in recognizing our potentials and limitations in our role as team players and leadership capabilities. The project highlighted my abilities in leading and managing my team members through various tasks and responsibilities. The 8 week exercise began with the conceptualization of the project idea and the key aspects that needed to be fulfilled in order to present that idea as viable and feasible to other teams. The idea to promote our company and its services on facebook was mine and the fact that others accepted it and appreciated it was a big source of motivation for me. Theoretical evidences have claimed that a true leader is one who can inspire and motivate others to adopt a single path that leads to goal fulfilment (Maxwell, 2008). I have managed to guide my team members through role allocation and delegation of tasks, besides helping them through task execution and collaborating potential issues that might have ruined the success prospects. Motivation is yet another aspect driving the performance of teams and their willingness to give their best in order to achieve the defined goals and targets (Adair, 2007). Motivation seemed lacking in some cases in our team since few members were unwilling to take certain roles and responsibilities. However, this was easily overcome with more team discussions that helped in motivating the team members to assume their roles and responsibilities. Moreover, motivation in teams, as I strongly experienced during this project contributed to creative ideas and innovative thoughts that can make the difference between success and failure of projects. The product concept involved my idea of producing a video for recruiting staff in organizations. A key aspect to be incorporated in this video was a mock interview (my idea) that will focus on dealing with inter-cultural workforce needs and behavioural forms during interviews. DeCarlo (2010) in his works on leadership and motivation identified four principles using motivation to guide innovative practices at workplace – initiating change, developing people’s desire to make a difference, creating ownership for results, and monitoring results for continued effectiveness. Motivation thus can contribute to combined efficiency at workplace and generate innovative ideas for effective results

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Characteristics of Effective Nurse Leaders Essay

Characteristics of Effective Nurse Leaders - Essay Example They assist and support frontline nurses in the clinical setting. Among the qualities of an exemplary nurse leader possesses include a passion for nursing, optimistic, can form personal connections with the general staff, has an excellent mentorship skill, a role model and has the ability in crisis management based on a set of moral principles. An exceptional nurse leader is passionate in conducting his or her duties and optimistic about the ability of the nurses under their charge. They entrust the nurses under their charge with circumstances that arise however complicated it can be, under their close supervision and are ready to give a hand. Leaders possess excellent communication and interpersonal relationship skills enhancing their interaction with their nursing coworkers; this enables them to understand and share openly and freely with the nurses under their charge. The nurse leader has a strong ability, superior knowledge, and expertise in crisis management. They are very tranquil in all situations and are good decision makers. Efficient and reliable leadership can promote and satisfy productive work in any professional field. In the nursing profession, nurses needs to work in an active environment defined by peace and goodwill. The most useful characteristics of a quality nurse leader include passion, teamwork, integrity, and ability to manage crises. Passion entails strong sense of enthusiasm towards a given task. Passion compels the feeling of love towards the nursing profession. An exemplary nurse displays passion during times of turbulence. A passionate nurse would accommodate the distress that relates with the profession. It is notable that nurses who have no passion would quit once the profession demands more services from them. Passionate nurses have good relations with colleagues and workmates. They have the potential of ensuring the wellbeing of workmates and the patients as aforementioned. Such archetypal nurses develop a working

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Impact of World War I in Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Impact of World War I in Germany - Essay Example included personalities like George Orwell, Winston Churchill, Harold Nicolson, Andrew Roberts, Horace Wilson, Herr Hitler, Signor Mussolini and Lloyd George. Important institutions and administrative portfolios were also taken into account like Foreign Office, Daily Mail, Third Reich, Conservative Party, Ministry of Information, Downing Street, British Expeditionary Force, News Chronicle, War Office, Admiralty House, House of Commons and the War Cabinet. It was pointed out that rapid development of German industry threatened the global economic dominance of Great Britain. Since Britain was a large empire, she had wider commercial and economic advantage over Germany and thus a conflict was inevitable. This argument gave Communism popularity and aided its rise. Lenin also argued that the hawkish banking and financial interests pursued by the capitalist and imperialist powers also gave the war efforts its much-needed fillip. After the WWI, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased for Britain, Italy, and U.S., but decreased for France, Russia, Netherlands, and the Central Powers. This misbalance throughout Europe had far-reaching impact the world over. On the other hand, this increase in the governments' share of the GDP led them to take loans from other countries. For example, Britain borrowed heavily from not only the Government of US but also from the American railways and the Wall Street. The repayment of these loans was funded by German indemnity funds and a vicious circle of loans and repayments was created. By 1931, this circle collapsed resulting in major economic crises through out the world. Germany naturally was impacted the most. (Bessel, 188-90) All these aggravated the global economic crisis. This turbulent economic scene was further aggravated by the... It was pointed out that rapid development of German industry threatened the global economic dominance of Great Britain. Since Britain was a large empire, she had wider commercial and economic advantage over Germany and thus a conflict was inevitable. This argument gave Communism popularity and aided its rise. Lenin also argued that the hawkish banking and financial interests pursued by the capitalist and imperialist powers also gave the war efforts its much-needed fillip. After the WWI, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased for Britain, Italy, and U.S., but decreased for France, Russia, Netherlands, and the Central Powers. This misbalance throughout Europe had far-reaching impact the world over. On the other hand, this increase in the governments’ share of the GDP led them to take loans from other countries. For example, Britain borrowed heavily from not only the Government of US but also from the American railways and the Wall Street. The repayment of these loans was funded by German indemnity funds and a vicious circle of loans and repayments was created. By 1931, this circle collapsed resulting in major economic crises through out the world. Germany naturally was impacted the most. (Bessel, 188-90) All these aggravated the global economic crisis. This turbulent economic scene was further aggravated by the conscription policy, whereby nearly all physically fit man was eligible to be put in uniforms. Of those who joined the army, many lost th eir lives and an even greater number were wounded. Work force shortage was a major problem faced by most countries.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Varying viewpoints on the importance of group unity vs. the individual Essay

Varying viewpoints on the importance of group unity vs. the individual in American culture - Essay Example On the surface, the themes in the two work of literature that is Pioneers! O Pioneers! By Walt Whitman and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck appear to be a contest in unity versus individual. However, essentially they tend to reinforce these contradictory yet coexistent trends in the American character. The poem Pioneers! O Pioneers! By Walt Whitman is an ode celebrating the courage of the pioneers who renounced the claims and legacy of the civilizations of the Continent to aspire for a difficult and more fulfilling life in the American West. This sentiment is very much evident in the following lines: â€Å"Have the elder races halted? Do they droop and end their lesson, wearied over their beyond the seas? We take our task eternal, and the burden and the lesson (Whitman: Online)† The poem tends to celebrate the unifying myth of the West, a cherished notion that was central to the genesis of the Unite States, a concept serving as a continuum between the past and the future, celebrating the collective potential of a young country like America. â€Å"O you youths, Western youths, So impatient, full of action, full of manly pride and friendship, Plain I see you Western youths, see you tramping with the foremost (Whitman: Online)† The intermittent usage of the word â€Å"we† in the poem attempts to highlight a collectively American heritage and legacy. However, at the same time the poem also appeals to the individual pioneer lurking in the consciousness of every American. It brings forth the typical American individualistic strain of to do away with the set ways and pulls of the past, to venture forth into new territories, be it geographical or cerebral. The very ploy of using the first person plural by the poet enables one to weave this streak of individualism into a collective entity, thereby allowing for the coexistence of both. I contrast; The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck seems to attempt just the opposite. Actually Steinbeck based this novel on the experience he accumulated while traveling through California in the mid 30s, where he witnessed people living in abject poverty owing to the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. The novel poignantly and starkly recognizes the situation and times in the lives of the families, where the collective survival and existence seems so impossible, unless bolstered and propped by busts of individual courage and gumption. The very act of trying to eke out a survival by an individual at an economic and emotional level instills something steely in the character of the entire group. Though America is based on the idea of need for the individual, Steinbeck in The Grapes of Wrath tends to qualify this individualism, by depicting the struggle of the individual soul yet celebrating the ability of a well weathered soul to bring solace to the group. So peculiarly, his deliberations on Ma bring forth this enigma: â€Å"She seemed to know, to accept, to welcome her position, the citadel of the family, the strong place that could not be taken. And since old Tom and the children could not know hurt or fear unless she acknowledged hurt and fear, she had practiced denying them in herself. †¦ She seemed to know that if she swayed the family shook, and if she ever really deeply wavered†¦ the family will to function will be gone (Steinbeck 84).†

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Native american regional styles vocal and instrumental Essay

Native american regional styles vocal and instrumental - Essay Example Flutes are sometimes used for choral dances and songs but mostly they are brought into play for the creation of instrumentals and for providing music for solo songs. The Native American Flute is a special creation of the natives. According to legend, a woody wood pecker pecked the wood at different places and the passing wind created a beautiful melody. Since then the natives have been using this flute to provide relaxing music for their instrumentals and solo songs. The tribes promote inter-tribal relationships by using vocables in their songs. Vocables are meaningless syllables or words that are used so that the language difference between different tribes is abolished. The vocables can easily be used and pronounced by everyone hence they are very common in the Native American regional music. The songs sound like chanting due to the use of vocables in the lyrics. The natives have also specially designed dresses for different occasions. The most appealing dress is the ‘Native American regalia’ which is used in many ceremonies and rituals. The different designs, beadwork and the jewels worn distinguish people from the different tribes. This dress is particularly famous for its use as a dress code in the Powwow. There are different categories of songs classified according to the events in which they are performed.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Great Expectations Essay Example for Free

Great Expectations Essay Describe the character of Magwitch. What do you think Dickens has to say about crime and punishment in the sections of the novel where he appears? The following essay and the content of it are about the story of Great Expectations, its plot and what Charles Dickens was really trying to say. Great Expectations is the tale about a young man, Phillip Pirrip nicknamed Pip for short, came to build up and have his great expectations dashed. The novel begins with Pip as a young boy out on the marshes and as the novel continues, it follows Pips journey to a gentleman and then later on into a businessman. Throughout the novel, Pip is involved in a few rather dramatic events and with some rather colourful characters alongside him. At the beginning of the story we see the young Pip, an orphan being brought up and looked after by his horrible, hard sister and her husband whose character is defined as being a gentle giant, Joe Gargery, the blacksmith. While upon on the marshes, Pip comes into contact with an escaped convict by the name of Abel Magwitch. As the novel reads on, it proves that Magwitch seems to have a profound effect on Pips life. Pip is influenced also by Miss Havisham, an eccentric and reclusive old woman. It turns out o be that there are two young women in Pips life: the very understanding and kind and gentle Biddy and the proud and perfectly beautiful Estella. It comes about one day that Pip has come into a generous fortune. A benefactor, who to Pip is unknown, wishes for Pip to travel to London to become and succeed as a high class gentleman. This is the answer to all of Pips dreams, its like his Christmases have all come at once but all doesnt go as well as Pip would have hoped and he becomes involved in quite a few adventures. Also, when he is handed his fortune, Pip becomes a snob and the money changes him totally and its all for the worse. At the beginning of Chapter 1, we meet Magwitch. While Pip is in the graveyard, where his mother is buried, he meets Magwitch. Magwitch puts a great fear into Pip demanding food, drink and a file as he still has chains around his ankles since he has escaped from prison-You bring me, to-morrow morning early, that file and them wittles, Magwitch, page 8. Before Magwitch demands these sources, he rummages through Pips pockets for food and takes him by his ankles and absurdly shakes Pip upside down. Pip is scared into such a fright by Magwitch firstly telling Pip whether he should live or not-The question being whether youre to be let to live-Magwitch, (page 7. ) Magwitch tells Pip that there is a man a lot worse than him-Theres a young man hid with me, in comparison with which young man I am a Angel, Magwitch, page 8. After this, Pip is determined to go home, gather the things Magwitch needs and return to meet him the next day. An immediate view of the relationship between Magwitch and Pip is one based completely on fear and power, to which Magwitch has the upper hand so Pip cannot compete with him. It seems though that Magwitch and Pip share an unlikely but yet common loneliness. This is such because Pip was alone in the churchyard with the tombstones of his parents, who had passed away many years before and Magwitch has never really had any family around and the very unfair and unjust way Magwitch has been treated and punished, it is like the crime and punishment system in the 1900s was too unjust and was almost like it turned men into beasts and are not treated in an orderly fashion. Magwitch returns in Chapter 39. It is Pips 23rd birthday and he seems to be doing extremely little with his life. He is still on good terms with Mr Pocket, even though Pip is no longer being tutored by him and even though he keeps trying occupations, he isnt sticking to them long enough to develop further in them but he is finding that he is reading a lot. On a stormy night in London, Magwitch comes to Pips home and Pip invites him in and treats him with courteous disdain-Do you wish to come in-Pip, page 289. Pip welcomed him in to talk about Magwitchs business and only then does Pip gradually begin to recognise this visitor as the convict that he had met and given him a file and some food up on the marshes when Pip was just a young boy. It is only then that Magwitch reveals himself as being Pips mysterious benefactor and that he had been living in Australia all these years previous, working as a sheep farmer and the money he was earning from that would go to Pip-I lived rough so you could live smooth, page 313, Magwitch said this to Pip to prove that everything he had done in Australia, was for Pip. As Pip thought Miss Havisham was his benefactor, he had hopes of marrying Estella and the two of them becoming a lady and gentleman couple but his dreams have been shattered-Miss Havishams intentions towards me, all a mere dream, Pip, page 317. Pip is repulsed by Magwitch. He is horrified and appalled but luckily Magwitch didnt notice it and is upset that he should owe so much to such a person. Furthermore, to Pips state of shock, it is only now that he realises it was not Miss Havisham who was his benefactor and that Estella, who Pip adores dearly, had not been intended for him at all. While Pip is in a state of turmoil, we learn of Magwitchs past. The reader learns that because Magwitch didnt dress like a gentleman, his punishment was a lot harsher rather than if you look like a gentleman, the justice system would be a lot more lenient on the more vicious criminal. Even though Magwitch had a minimal choice about whether he could afford to turn to crime or not, he had little choice and could see himself not getting anywhere. Magwitch tells Pip that due to the fact that he committed a crime to save himself and he had no choice, it was because he didnt look or dress like a gentleman that he was given a heavy sentence and shipped to Australia where, only then, he was rehabilitated because he was supposedly no longer a danger to society or anyone around him. As Magwitch has come back and risked his life to see him, as much as he feels ashamed and feels as though all his dreams were just that, Pip feels as though in one sense he should still protect him. Pip does have a sense that he doesnt want Magwitch to risk his life and this shows Pip to still be human by having little conscience by not wanting Magwitch to get caught and hung or taken away, even though Pip is thinking he is the lowest of the low because he is associated with a convict and he feels as though he cant touch Magwitchs money anymore.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Media And Growth Of Bacteria

Media And Growth Of Bacteria To grow and reproduce, microorganisms require nutrients as their source of energy and certain environmental conditions. Adaptation to different habitats has been acquired by microbes living in the exposed environment. In the laboratory, however, these requirements are to be met by a culture medium. Therefore, media preparation is an essential aspect in microbial growth. There is a wide variety of media which can be used for laboratory purposes. Generally, similar procedures can be used in the preparation of media. In this practical, YT broth is prepared from yeast extract, trypton, NaCl and agar. YT broth is a commonly used bacterial Esherichia coli culture media in molecular biology. Usually, YT medium is applicable for phage DNA production. Compared to LB broth, YT is a richer medium in which it supports higher cell density and a longer growth period for E. coli. Bacteria are the most abundant and most important biological component as they involve in the transformation and mineralization of organic matter in the biosphere (Cho Adam, 1988; Pomeroy Wiebe, 2001). Generally, growth is defined as an increase in number of cells. Bacterial cell growth depends upon a large number of cellular reactions such as transforming energy. Syntheses of small molecules are performed to build macromolecules and to provide various cofactors and coenzymes for biochemical reactions. Polymerization of monomers builds the macromolecules in the bacterial cell. As the macromolecules accumulate in the cell, they are assembled into new structures with specific functions such as the cell wall, cytoplasmic membranes, ribosomes and flagella, if to name a few, and eventually lead to cell division. E. coli is used as a test organism in this practical for investigating the bacterial growth. Such a growing rod shaped cell bacterium elongates to approximately twice their original length and then forms a partition that constricts the cell into two daughter cells. This process is known as binary fission. A partition called the septum is formed by the inward growth of the cytoplasmic membrane and the cell wall from opposite directions. The septum continues to grow inwards until the two daughter cells are pinched off. When one cell separates from to form two daughter cells, one generation has occurred and the time required for binary fission is known as the generation time. Under the best nutritional conditions, the generation time of a laboratory E. coli culture is approximately 20 minutes (Buettner et al., 1973). The growth stages of bacterial cells are described in a growth curve consisting of the lag phase, exponential phase, stationary phase and death phase (Zwietering et al., 1990). In the lag phase, the bacterial cell begins to grow only after a period of time due to new environment being inoculated. The time interval of lag phase depends on the growth conditions and the history of the inoculum. If the growing culture is transferred into the same medium under the same conditions, there is no lag phase and exponential phase starts immediately. However, if the inoculum transferred is taken from the stationary phase in an old culture, lag phase is observed. This is because certain essentials of the cell have depleted and time is required for biosynthesis of new constituents. The lag phase is also observed when the cells are transferred from a rich culture medium to a poorer culture medium. In the poorer condition, the cells need to synthesize the essential metabolites that are not present i n the previous medium. Thus, time is needed by the cells to produce new enzymes. In the exponential phase, the cell divides to form two cells, both the total cell number and mass double but there is no change in the average cell mass. The cells are said to be in their healthiest state. The rate of exponential growth varies widely among microorganisms. The rate is influenced by environmental conditions and the genetic characteristics of the organism itself. In the stationary phase, the essential nutrients of the culture medium are used up and at the same time, the wastes produced by the bacterial cells accumulate in the culture medium. Thus, growth is inhibited. The exponential growth is ceased and the cells reach the stationary phase. There is no net increase or decrease in the cell number and hence the growth rate of the cells is zero. The cells enter the death phase of the growth cycle after reaching the stationary phase whereby cell lysis occurs. Figure 1: Typical growth curve of a bacterial population. The growth of E.coli is investigated under various cultural conditions, including effect of pH, temperature and aeration). Effect of pH is ascertained by preparing media of different pH values. Temperature is always a potentially limiting factor by affecting all chemical and biochemical processes and thus is viewed as an interactive factor (Pomeroy Wiebe, 2001). Aeration is done by shaking so that air space volume can be increased. As such, good and excellent aeration is stimulated. MATERIALS Media components (yeast extract, trypton, NaCl and agar), E. coli culture, 20x petri dish, 5250 ml conical flask and 1100 ml conical flask, plus cotton wool plugs in aluminium foil, Whatman paper METHOD Media Preparation The five 250 ml conical flasks and one 100 ml conical flasks were prepared and labelled as M1-M10 on the first day of practical. 100 ml of YT broth was prepared in 250 ml flasks, with the composition as trypton 1.6%(w:v), yeast extract 1%(w:v), and NaCl 0.5%(w:v). The pH was adjusted to those shown in table 2.1, followed by autoclaving. 500 ml agar was prepared in 1L flask, in which composed of YT broth and agar (13.5 g/L). The prepared medium was autoclaved. The agar was poured on 20 petri dishes. Inoculation Day 2 was begun with inoculating M1 to M8 with 1.0ml E. coli, while M9 and M10 as control set. Incubation was performed at 37Â °C for 24 hours. Whatman paper was dried overnight. Analysis Prior to an analysis, the culture was well shaken and the sampling was done under aseptic condition. Measurement of cell density and variable cell (as colony forming units, cfu) After the overnight incubation, a 3.0ml aliquot of each culture was taken and the absorbance was measured at 660nm. M9 and M10 was used as the blank. Data obtained was tabulated. Measurement of final pH of broth The final pH of the cell culture was measured. The results were also recorded in table 2.1. Measurement of CFU At day 3, a serial dilution was done from 10-2, 10-4, 10-6, 10-8 to 10-10. Hockey stick spreading technique was performed to plate out the sample. Two replicates were done for each plate, labelled a and b respectively. The culture was incubated at 37Â °C for 24 hours. The changes were observed and recorded on the next day, and thereby determining the CFU, as what recorded in table 2.2(a) and 2.2(b). Measurement of biomass The Whatman paper dried was weighed and the initial weight was recorded. A 10ml aliquot of the content of the flasks was filtered using the Whatman paper by washing with distilled water. The paper together with the content was dried in oven at 70Â °C overnight. On the next day, the final weight was measured and thereby obtaining the net weight gain of the filter paper. The result was recorded in table 2.3. RESULTS The pH change and the absorbance values measured were recorded in table 2.1. Flask M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 Pre-incubation pH 4.0 7.0 10.0 7.0 4.0 7.0 10.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Post-incubation pH 3.96 7.08 10.16 7.16 4.13 7.21 9.93 7.73 7.12 7.14 OD660nm 0.108 1.267 0.01 0.916 0.191 1.906 0.056 1.812 0.0 0.0 Growth condition No shaking (with air space) No shaking (without air space) Shaking at 200 rpm (with air space) Shaking at 200 rpm (without air space) Table 2.1: pH change and absorbance measured for M1 to M10 CFU for plate labelled a and for plate b was calculated using the formula below, which was then recorded in table 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) respectively. CFU = colony number x dilution factor = x cfu/0.1ml = ? cfu/ml Table 2.2(a): CFU for plate labelled a Flask M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 Dilution (10-4) 55 22 0 >300 1 161 0 >300 0 0 CFU/ml 5500000 2200000 0 TMTC 100000 16100000 0 TMTC 0 0 Dilution (10-6) 0 13 0 185 0 24 0 3 0 0 CFU/ml 0 130000000 0 1850000000 0 240000000 0 30000000 0 0 Flask M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 Dilution (10-4) 13 >300 0 >300 0 >300 0 >300 0 0 CFU/ml 1300000 TMTC 0 TMTC 0 TMTC 0 TMTC 0 0 Dilution (10-6) 0 3 0 89 0 32 0 4 0 0 CFU/ml 0 30000000 0 890000000 0 320000000 0 40000000 0 0 Table 2.2(b): CFU for plate labelled b The biomass was calculated using the formula below and was recorded in table 2.3. Biomass (g/ml) = Flask M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 Initial weight of filter paper 1.14 1.16 1.14 1.17 1.19 1.15 1.16 1.19 1.16 1.17 Dried weight of filter paper 1.15 1.17 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.17 1.16 1.19 1.16 1.17 Mass Difference 0.01 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Biomass (mg /ml) 0.001 0.001 0.0 0.0 0.001 0.002 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Table 2.3: Biomass DISCUSSION From the tables in the result section and observation, we analyze the growth of E. coli under various pH and aeration condition. Measuring OD and calculating CFU give relevant and supportive information to our experiment. However, the biomass calculated is not applicable to accurately ascertain the factors affecting the growth as some errors occurred during the measurement of biomass, probably. Cell density and variable cell OD stands for optical density which indicates the wavelength of light. In this practical, OD660 measures the light absorbance by E. coli cultures, which correspond to the E. coli cell density in a given volume. OD660 determines whether the cells are ready for making cell stocks or as a competent cell. In other words, it can be said that in this part, OD660 was used to ascertain the quantity of E. coli grown in the YT broth after incubating overnight at 37Â °C. Flasks M1 to M8 were inoculated with 1.0 ml of E. coli culture. The result showed that growth had occurred. On the other hand, M9 and M10 served as the control set in which inoculation of bacteria was not applied, in addition to acting as blank during analysis with spectrophotometer. From table 2.1, it was shown that the OD of both M9 and M10 appeared to be zero. This shows that there was no sign of growth of E. coli in the two flasks. Spreading of plates was done in class II laminar flow cabinet. Sterile operation in cell culture is vital where it can affect the CFU of E. coli. This minimizes the chance of culture contamination. On top of that, the safety of the operator is ensured (Betler, 2004). From the aspect of CFU, as what shown in table 2.2(a) and 2.2(b), there was abundant of cells in M2, M4, M6 and M8. The cell density was still high even with the dilution of 10-6. Therefore, it was determined that E. coli has the optimum growth pH at 7.0. Effect of broths pH on growth Different growth condition gives different OD values. Optimum pH of E.coli growing in a culture at 37oC is around 7.0. E.coli is not able to tolerate under extremely alkaline and acidic environments because most of the enzymes found in the bacterium are very pH-sensitive. These enzymes carry out the important processes in E.coli. When there is extreme change in pH, enzymes in E.coli become denatured. Denature of enzymes in E.coli can lead to all sorts of interruptions to biochemical processes or even causes death of the E.coli. From table 2.1, it was found that there was no growth of E.coli in both flask M3 and M7 with pH 10.0; as the absorbance measured were 0.01 and 0.056 respectively. Whereas, there were some E.coli grow in flask M1 and M5 with pH 4.0, which have OD recorded 0.108 and 0.191 respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that E.coli seems to be more tolerate to lower pH (acidic condition) than higher pH (alkaline condition). Since pH 7.0 is the optimum pH for the growth of E.coli at 37oC, there were many colony of E.coli growing on the agar plates which spread with the sample from flask M2, M4, M6 and M8. There are some changes in the pH before and after the incubation. This is because there is formation of inhibitory products such as organic acids during the growth of E.coli in the YT nutrient broth. Effect of aeration on growth pH of medium is determined by medium composition, buffers, cellular metabolism and aeration. NaCl is used as buffer, where the depletion of this organic buffer will cause an E. coli reaches its maximum pH limit. Hence, care has to be taken to balance the organic buffer, sugar content and aeration medium because low aeration leads to production of acids; High aeration causes cells to use organic acids as carbon source, and thus increases the pH of medium. In brief, selected aeration also helps in maintaining cells pH. Theoretically, shake flask incubator reduces the solid and liquid inter-phase, thus minimizing the mass transfer. Increased speed and momentum cause cells to lyse among themselves. Increased speed also increases the formation of foam, thus trapping gas and resulting less gas in the liquid. Since cells require nutrients for survival, absence of gas as nutrient source will cause cells to die. Hence, shaking flask actually plays an important role in bringing an improvement to mass transfer between the gas phase outside the shake flask and the liquid phase inside the shake flask. Shake flask incubator can provide a suitable environment by ensuring sufficient transfer of oxygen gas to the cell culture by appropriate mixing. Agitation will increase the aeration of the bacterial growth of E.coli. This is because oxygen is important for high density growth of E.coli cells. Agitation is controlled by the shaking speed of a shaker incubator. Thus, from the observation, Whatman paper with content from M6 has bigger biomass than others. The biomass of M6 is 1.0 mg/ml. This is because flask M6 has been shaken at 200rpm and the flask contains air space which helps in the growth of E.coli cells. Therefore, the media without shaking or without air space or without both of these growth conditions has less growth of E.coli. Thus, M6 has the best growth condition for E.coli if compared with other media. However, from the observation in this experiment, there is more E.coli colony grows in M8 (growth condition with shaking at 200rpm but without air space) than M6 (growth condition with both shaking at 200rpm and with air space) in the culture with serial dilution 10-4. Theoretically, there should be less E.coli colony grows on the plate which spread with the culture from M8 since flask M8 has less flavour growth condition for the growth of E.coli. This unexpected observation may be because the sample with serial dilution 10-4 is not well shaken before take 1.0ml of aliquot to spread on the plate. From our result, it was again determined that the growth rate of E. coli is not affected by shaking. This is proven through our experiment where there was no significant difference in yields with or without shaking cultures. When air is supplied, however, shaking cultures shows a higher yield than static cultures. The main purpose of shaking cultures at 20 rpm is to mix thoroughly the nutrient concentration in broth, with constant temperature, 37Â °C. 37Â °C is the optimum growth temperature for E.coli. Shaking prevents cells localizing at the bottom of the broth which causes a faster depletion of nutrient as time passes. Nutrients still present in the broth but cells may not accessible to them. Hence, shaking minimizes areas of high and low nutrient concentration. The amplitude of the vibration controls the intensity of fluid mixing. Shaking broth brings advantage to non-motile cells because it enables the metabolism rate to continue, in addition to benefiting mobile cells by redu cing energy on mobility. Besides, shaking increases the aeration of broth which leads to a higher yield of E. coli. From the OD values, OD at pH 7 shows the highest value for both shaking and non-shaking media because pH 7 is the most suitable medium for growth of E.coli. However, pH 7 from shaking broth has a comparatively higher OD reading compare to non-shaking broth due to shaking enhances the growth of E.coli. However, OD of pH 4 is far higher than OD of pH 10 because E.coli can still grow on pH 4, but pH 10 does not really support growth of E.coli. As for M9 and M10, both broths do not show any OD reading value because no E.coli culture is added into both broths. When pH and vibration are held constant (i.e. pH 7 with shaking), broth with aeration shows a higher OD value compare to non-aeration. This means that a higher E.coli cell density in aerated broth compare to non-aerated broth. When other factors are held constant, air space does not significantly affect E.coli yields, because E.coli is a facultative anaerobe, which means E.coli is able to produce energy during aerobic respiration and switch to anaerobic respiration when oxygen is depleting in the environment. Thus, E.coli grows in both with or without air space broth. Supposedly, colony forming unit (CFU) in plates from medium with air space has a higher growth amount compare to medium with no air-space. This is because E.coli cells produce a large quantity of acetic acid with no air-space, and thus reducing the pH of broth and does not favour the growth of E.coli. Acetic acid inhibits growth condition under anaerobic growth condition. However, according to our result, when the pH and vibration are held constant (both of pH 7 and with no shaking), CFU is greater in non air space compare to with air space. This may be due to errors occur where the mouth of broth is not tightly covered which leads to entranc e of oxygen molecules into the broth. CONCLUSION Sterile medium such as sterile YT broth is essential for bacteria growth. The optimum pH for the growth of E. coli is 7.0. Excellent aeration promotes growth of bacteria to a further extent than what good aeration does. QUESTIONS Write a flow chart for the above protocol before you start work. Label all the conical flasks from M1 to M10 Add 100ml YT broth to flasks M1 to M3 and M5 to M7 Adjust the pH of the media to 4.0,7.0 and 10.0 using either HCL or NaOH Autoclave and allow to cool to room temperature For flask M4 to M8, autoclave 200ml of the medium in a bigger container and then pour the cooled medium into the sterile 100ml conical flask Inoculate flasks M1 to M8 with 1.0ml of E.coli culture under aseptic conditions Incubate with or without shaking as indicated from the table Prepare M9 and M10 under the same conditions as for flask M2 and M6, but do not add any inoculum Prepare and autoclave the agar After an overnight incubation,take 3.0ml aliquot of each culture and measure the absorbance at 660nm Do a serial dilution from 10-1 to 10-5 in a sterile microfuge tube and plate out 0.1ml of the sample at 10-4 to 10-5 in YT agar media Incubate at 370C overnight Determine the cfu/ml of the original culture and tabulate data Measure the final pH of the cell culture and tabulate results Filter 10ml aliquot of the content of the flasks using pre-weighted Whatman paper dried in an oven at 800C overnight Measure the net weight gain of the filter paper as an indication of biomass Tabulate results Discuss your results with respect to the effect of pH of the media and aeration on bacterial growth and reasons for your observations. In addition to nutrients, the pH of the growth medium is also important for E.coli growth rate and cell density. The optimal growth pH for E.coli is near neutral. E.coli cells can grow reasonably well over a range of three pH units (from pH 5.5 to 8.5). Extreme pH beyond this range will significantly decrease the cell growth rate and may sometimes even cause cell death. The minimum and maximum growth pHs for E.coli are pH 4.4 and 9.0 respectively. E.coli cells appear to tolerate a more neutral pH better than a high pH. This is clearly shown as E.coli grows well at pH 7 as shown on plate M2, M4,M6, and M8.In fact, extended exposure of E.coli cells to a high pH causes cell lysis. This is the reason why no colonies were found on plate M3 and M7. At the saturation or stationary phase, the pH of the E.coli culture in commonly used media is near its pH limits. pH is another limiting factor for cell growth in addition to nutrition exhaustion and accumulation of toxic metabolites. E.coli cel ls can also use sugars such as glycerol and glucose as carbon or energy sources. When the E.coli cells use these sugars as carbon sources, they will produce acetic acid and therefore lower the medium pH. Carefully balancing the sugar contents, and aeration conditions can maintain the culture medium pH near E.coli optimum growth pH or within the range of the three pH units. Low aeration conditions lead the cells to produce acids. High aeration conditions allow the cells to use organic acids as carbon source and increase medium pH. Selected aeration conditions can also help cells maintain its medium pH. Do your data on absorbance at 660nm correlate with the cfu/ml and biomass data? Explain. The data on the absorbance at 660nm correlates with cfu/ml as a lower OD660nm gives a high cfu/ml and vice versa. But the data of absorbance does not correlate with the biomass. Despite the inherent inaccuracy of the method, if the procedure is adequately controlled and calibrated the estimation of microbial numbers by optical density should be sufficiently accurate for use in preparing inoculum for cfu/ml testing. Would you expect to obtain the same data if you were to scale up the experiment using a 1000L fermenter? Explain your answer. No, as the size and volume of the fermentor increases, the volume and density of the E.coli culture will increase too so the CFU/ml will also increase.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Atomic Mass :: essays research papers

Laboratory Write-Up The game in which we participated simulates the early efforts of scientists because they had very little to work with. They too had to guess the size and shape of the atom. In 1911, Rutherford conducted a series of experiments in which he bombarded a piece of gold foil with positively charged alpha particles emitted by radioactive material. Most of the particles passed through the foil undisturbed, suggesting that the foil was made up mostly of empty space rather than of a sheet of solid atoms. Some alpha particles, however, "bounced back," indicating the presence of solid matter. Atomic particles, Rutherford's work showed, consisted primarily of empty space surrounding a well-defined central core called a nucleus. The game portrays the marbles as the alpha beams that bounce off the foam cores. The foam cores represent the nucleus, and the empty space shows how little space the nucleus actually takes up. The game we played can be different than what Rutherford experimented with is because the nucleus is much smaller than actually in the game. The foam wasn’t even in proportion with the size of the space used for the game. Early, atomic scientists actually did not have the opportunity of just peeking under the board to see the shape. They had to go with the results that they had. That’s why it was so important for them to be precise because if they did anything wrong then this would invalidate their research. They needed to be real precise because they were not as fortunate as scientists today who have technology to back them up. Scientists today do not necessarily have the opportunity to just peak under the board to obtain results.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sexual Predators :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Sexual Predators Childhood is supposed to be a time of discovery and play, not abuse. Was there ever such a world? Sexual predators have been lurking this planet for decades; now they're being marked for life because of there actions. Neighbors and the home towns of sexual predators are being alerted of their crimes and whereabouts by local police. Such towns have responded by putting up signs in their town, "CHILD MOLESTER TWO DOORS DOWN" (Popkin, pg 73). Others responded by burning or flooding their new neighbors out (Popkin). What did these convicted criminals do to deserve such punishment? They violated the most precious living creature on this planet, a child. Communities definitely have a right to know that a dangerous child molester is moving to their town. Child molesters have been convicted, charged and sentenced for their crimes for many years. Maybe people already have one as their next door neighbor. Do people really know the people they live by so well, that they would leave their own child with them? Also, if they had a legal right to, would they check out their neighbor's history at the police office, or trust them? In the summer of 1994, seven-year-old Megan Kanka was kidnapped, raped, then killed by convicted child molester Jesse Timmendequas. Her story started many parents to question the safety of their own children. The outraged community was never informed that Timmendequas and two other convicted child abusers had moved in across the street from Megan (Megan Kanka). Megan's death lit her parents' fires to do something about notifying communities of convicted child molesters. They began to lobby for "Megan's Law", a law that would require immediate community notification of convicted child abusers, who were living in their area (Popkin). Some critics contend that the law is unconstitutional because it adds additional punishment to offenders (Megan's Unfinished Legacy). Other critics say that it would drive predators into hiding and away from seeking counsel. Child molester Scott Murphy said, "Without counseling, you're the same person when you go to jail as when you get out"(Popkin, pg.73). Before the passing of the law, a group of offenders appealed the judges' ruling that the notification was unconstitutional because it's intended to protect children, not further punish criminals (Megan's Unfinished Legacy). The law was passed. The biggest problem that police officers face is determining which released sex offenders are the most dangerous.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Education of the Generations Essay

Most of today’s generation is said to have a higher education and achievements compared to those of previous generations or the generation of their parents. Children’s of this generation are also said to be more active and eager than the children of before. Youth of today’s generation are more vigorous and attentive compared to their parents and their grandparents. It is believed that modernization is a big factor to consider regarding this matter. As we all know that the only thing that is permanent and thing that is constant within this world is change. In the present day there are inevitable growth in modernization computers are widely use technologies are more advance and this changes have largely affect people from generations to generations as change continually takes it’s place. A rapidly changing world whose likeness is not sees before. They are all doing better to make the nation as the nation they know today – a better one. A new study shows that in today’s time most of college students are more self-centered than the youth on the past generations. They are to be more focused on their selves. Their determinations are of high and this believe to be the root regarding the overall self-centeredness these today’s youth. Many studies now undergone by some researchers described scores in some test undergone by students have risen steadily since it was introduced in the year 1982 in the a more present year, 2006 according to the latest data they are said to be two-thirds of the students had above average scores, and is note thirty percent more than in 1982. There is really a big gap between the educations of today’s generation or all of those college students in counterpart with the generations of their parents. Schools and universities of the two generations are also different, environments, facilities, adaptations of technologies and training opportunities are also different. Innovation and institutional change occurred. It all becomes better now. There have been expansion on the availability of technologies to improve teaching and learning strategies such as computers and Internet and other modernized technologies. On the other hand, this modernization of technology has brought us changes regarding educational attainment of most college students. According to some researchers â€Å"We find strong intergenerational progress in generation,† they also write, â€Å"Across all generations for all groups, we consistently find that children acquire more education than their parents† (Public Policy Institute of California, 2005,p1). This successful education attainment is said to be good news for the state as a whole and also for individuals making an educational advancement for it they believe that having a higher education is a key into a higher economic opportunities. Though today’s education is said to be more advanced, as a result today’s generation are more capable of learning many things in a more easy and more convenient way the education attain by the parents also had a great impact on the education of youth today. Education of today’s youth are more in at risk due to their parents who doesn’t able to get better education. But parents could be a great help too. Education help improve language, literacy and vocational attainment of all the people. It also a fact to be considered that education of the parents may have higher effect on the education of their children. Education through the help of this new and advanced technology could be attain and help today’s youth achieve their goals of reaching their dreams considering also the guide of their parents who by reality have greater experience in life than we ever had now. Because things may get into even worst and unusual this advancement and modernization in technology also brought youth of today’s to be more extremely vigorous, negligent and irresponsible. So parents are expected to rear their children and they should also help in molding their child helping them to attain a good education and much better life in the future.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Of Mice and Men †Themes And Issues Essay

In the book ‘Of Mice and Men’ the writer John Steinbeck keeps returning to the subject of loneliness. By doing this he is trying to put through to us how they (George and Lennie) must feel, with no money, scraps of food, no where to sleep until they do get a job in the Barn House. In there they still feel a little lonely with other barn workers there. They sit there in silence. â€Å"He fell morosely silent.† If George was to go out with other workers, Lennie would be left alone with no one to talk to, as an example of loneliness. Lennie would just walk around and in one case he goes to Crook’s bunk. â€Å"You got no right to come in my room† Crook’s says to Lennie, in this case it makes him a little lonelier, being not accepted because he would not know why he isn’t allowed in there. Another example of loneliness is Curley’s wife. She feels lonely and never has anyone to talk to. When the ‘boys’ go out one evening, Lennie is left alone in the barn house, where he is feeling lonely playing with a puppy that was new-born. He killed it like he kills all the mice. Curley’s wife enters the barn and sits by Lennie. They talk for a while about their lifestyles when Curley’s wife mentions â€Å"It’s ok for you, you’ve got the guys to talk to, I ain’t got no one to talk to.† (Page 85) â€Å"I get lonely.† Here John Steinbeck is explaining to us, the readers that there is a lot of loneliness in the barns. He does this to show how important George and Lennie’s relationship is because all the migrant workers do not have relationships. So this shows how important it really is, because they are a companionship which means they will always be there for one another, the workers will not. When Curley’s wife says she gets lonely, she is trying to get Lennie to listen to her. In the same conversation between Curley’s wife and Lennie she says â€Å"Why can’t I talk to you, all the guys got a tournament going on, they ain’t gonna leave that tenement. I get awfully lonely.† Once again John Steinbeck is telling us, how lonely Curley’s wife gets. She â€Å"Just wants someone to talk to, I can only talk to Curley and he gets boring,† she hints. Steinbeck really tries to get through to us readers explaining the loneliness and isolation in this book. Crooks and Candy are also very lonely. Crooks because he is Black and has to keep himself to himself and has no one to talk to because of his colour mainly. Candy would also be lonely because he also keeps himself to himself and only really has his dog. After his dog is shot he is extremely lonely, for example he lies on his bed and stares at the ceiling. In ‘Of Mice and Men’ there is also a threat of violence and lots of violence. Violence is hinted earlier in the story, in Weed where Lennie was feeling the girls dress and wouldn’t let go which made her very scared, and made him angry. Also, the mice that Lennie kills, because he strokes them to hard shows that he doesn’t realize his own strength. One main piece of violence may be when Lennie killed Curley’s wife, breaking her neck. The readers all know that Lennie did not mean it, he is harmless. But just a little too strong for his own good. Lennie likes to feel soft things and was feeling Curley’s wife’s hair when he started to shake her so she wouldn’t scream, Lennie shook her so hard that he that he broke her neck. Another piece of violence was when Lennie broke all the bones in Curley’s hand. He did this unintentionally too, but Curley was punching and swinging at Lennie so much, George shouted â€Å"Get ‘im Lennie,† and in self-defense, Lennie broke all Curley’s bones in his hand. A threat of violence, a main one was after Lennie had killed Curley’s wife. Curley was screaming and shouting â€Å"I’m gonna bust him up, I’m gonna shoot his guts out when I find him.† Curley is furious at Lennie for killing his wife, and is telling the boys when he finds him, he’s going to die. Curley in this book is probably the biggest threat of violence, maybe he likes a punch-up, or a fight, and he sure is hungry to kill Lennie. In conclusion, John Steinbeck writes this book well, and I think knows what we (the readers) want to read. I think he keeps repeating loneliness and violence because he doesn’t want anyone to experience it themselves. This book is very well written and is a good example of lots of things, i.e.: Prejudice, Violence and loneliness.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Btec Sport †Health Saftey and Injury Essay

Objective:- * To recognise and understand different types of injuries Types of injuries:- * Muscle strains – tears, pulls and ruptures These are caused by vigorous stretching of a muscle or tendon. In is of regular occurrence in the hamstring and calf muscles when there is failure to warm up correctly before sport. The Achilles tendon of the calf can tear completely this causes sever pain. Tear is where the muscle has been torn, Pull is where the muscle has been stretched and a Rupture is where the muscle completely breaks. We will know when we have pulled torn or strained because there will severe pain and there will be difficulty when trying to use the muscle. There may also be swelling and later on bruising. * Fractured Bones (broken) A fracture is wear the bone cracks or completely snaps. Breaking bones is painful due to the amount of blood vessels and nerves in the bones. Fractures can be categorized in two ways. A Simple Fracture – This is just where the bone cracks. A Compound Fracture – This is where the bone sticks out of the skin. There is often tenderness around the bone making it hard to use and it will most certainly swell causing it to look deformed. * Joint dislocation Dislocation is where the bone is pulled out of its original joint. It is caused by stressing the bone, commonly by violent twisting. It usually happens at all major joints such as – Shoulder, finger, thumb, elbow and ankles. The bone will be surrounded by swelling and covered in bruises and will be tender to touch. * Sprained Ligaments (over stretched ligaments) A sprain happens when a ligament or joint get overstretched and torn. Sprains occur when twisting your foot while running or other similar accidents. The sprain should be treated as a fracture if the ligament is torn because it is a lot more severe. The area of damage while be very sore and will hurt to move it or use it * Tendonitis – Tendonitis is caused by overuse of the tendons, frequently in the lower arm in the lower arm; they then become inflamed and sore/painful. This is common with sports such as tennis and golf where the tendon in the elbow is under constant use. The elbow will be very sore and it becomes almost impossible to use without difficulty. Swelling will be visible surrounding the injured tendon. * Concussion Concussion is the result of injuring your brain from taking a lot of impact to the head such as being head butted or banging your head on a hard surface, these cause the brain to rattle around the skull. Concussion is often related with unconsciousness which often follows a serious head injury. In most cases the patient will become dizzy or drowsy and become confused. In major cases there may even be memory loss. * Graze, Cuts, Burns and Bruises These are caused by falling or scraping in a sporting event. They are usually painful but not very threatening and classed as minor. However some cuts can be very deep and would require urgent attention. Bruises will be painful but will not cause any permanent or long term damage. We will be able to recognise bruises by seeing discolouration of the skin and tenderness in that area. * Spinal Injury This is an injury to the spinal column. The spinal column contains nerves and ligaments and plays a major role in our body so when damaged by impact or strain it can be potentially dangerous to move without causing further permanent damage such as paralysis. This occurs after incidents such as car crashes and falls. You will be able to tell if u have damaged your spinal cord because it will be difficult to move and will cause a lot of pain. Objective:- * To recognise illnesses/conditions that can affect sports performance * To discover the causes of injury Types of Illnesses:- * Viral Infections/Diseases Chest Infections, Colds, Flu, Sickness etc. People suffering from viral infections will often have a high temperature, be suffering from pains in the muscles making them feel weak. If someone has a viral infection such as a cold they will probably suffer with a blocked nose, fever, sore throat and frequent coughing. Viral infections cannot be cured using antibiotics, however there are products available to help relive the symptoms. * Asthma This makes a persons airways constrict making breathing difficult. Constriction is normally triggered by certain events such as allergies and temperature change. People having and ‘asthma attack’ will suffer with symptoms such as a tight chest, also they may start wheezing and be short of breath. This can be relived temporarily by using steroid sprays, one to open the airways when they feel they need it and one that should be taken daily to avoid having attacks later in the day. * Hypothermia This is where the body’s temperature drops below the normal temperature (around 36 degrees Celsius). The symptoms are usually tiredness, slurred speech and loss of coordination. In some extremities the colour and feeling can be lost in the hands and feet as the blood is being diverted away to keep the brain and heart working properly. People will generally feel better when they return to a warm environment as this will encourage the body to return to normal. Hypothermia is common with people such as mountain climber who are often exposed to cold environments for long periods of time. * Hyperthermia This is caused by exposure to high temperatures, such as being in the sun/high temperatures for long periods of time. The results of hyperthermia are that the person will be left exhausted. Headaches, tiredness and thirst are also associated. To relive these symptoms the person should drink lots of fluids, while exercising and when recovering. If the person becomes to hot they could potentially become unconscious then they would require the need of being put on a drip. * Hypoglycaemia Hypoglycaemia is caused by having low levels of glucose in the blood so enough isn’t reaching the vita places e.g. the brain. It is commonly associated with people who have type 1 diabetes. Not enough food, too much exercise, consuming too much alcohol and having too much insulin in the blood all contribute to causing hypoglycaemia. The symptoms of hypoglycaemia are confusion, shaking, paleness, hunger and in some extreme cases, unconsciousness. Eating food rich in carbohydrates can reverse these effects quite quickly The Main Causes of Injury Internally Caused * Overuse Injuries * Sudden Injuries Externally Caused * Impact Injuries * Foul Play Injuries * Equipment Injuries * Accidental Injuries Internally Caused Injuries – Direct result of the performer, no other person or factor is involved Overuse Injuries (Tennis/Golfers Elbow, Shin Splints etc.) These are caused by over training and over competing. Sudden Injuries These tend to be caused instantly because of over stretching, twisting and turning. They are commonly acknowledged with tiredness and fatigue and normally occur late on in a match. Also doing something too difficult can result in a sudden injury. Externally Caused Injuries – Caused by someone or something other than yourself Impact Injury This is and injury from being hit or hitting something. These are often the result of things like:- * An Opponent * Equipment * Playing Surface * Playing Conditions Foul Play Injuries These are normally the result of another player breaking the rules and regulations of the game. They may be unaware of the rules or may be doing it intentionally to harm. Accidental Injuries Different activities have different levels and risk and higher elements of danger. For example Footballers are less likely to gain an injury than someone playing rugby due to it being more physical. Equipment Injuries Old or unchecked/faulty equipment can result in these injuries. Equipment must be frequently maintained to avoid these occurring. These can be as simple as blisters from overuse or in the most extreme cases, even death. Prevention of Injuries * Warm up; loosen muscles for prevention of pulling muscles. * Wear the correct equipment (shin pads), wear them correctly to ensure safeness. * Know and follow the rules of the game to be able to play fair, include using officials to keep the activity under control, this way players are less likely to get injured * Check all equipment is safe and in good condition to ensure faulty equipment can’t injure you. * Don’t over compete (not doing too much exorcise) * Weather conditions- make sure the conditions are safe (not slippery, stormy etc.) 1. Preparation Before playing or participating in any sport it is vital that you train to your age and you personal fitness. Also a good knowledge and understanding of the sport you will be participating in will also reduce the amount of injuries, a good respect for the rules and regulations of the game will reduce the injuries. A warm up and warm down is essential to help reduce the amount of injuries in the game. Consider having long hair, long nails, jewellery and also the types of clothing you wear could also give you an injury. 2. Participation By according to the rules could prevent an injury, by using reckless tackles and reckless play can injure you and the opposing player. Officials have got to be consistent and fair in their decisions for the game to be fair and this could prevent someone from being injured, players must accept these decisions given by the officials. 3. Equipment For the sport which you are participating in you need to be using the specialist equipment for that specific sport and has to be in good condition, such as shin pads for football, these have to be worn. All equipment has to be in top condition because if this equipment isn’t safe and fails you could be seriously injured such as rock climbing etc. 4. Environment The area which the sport is being taken on has to be checked over for litter and unsafe objects. It has to be safe and appropriate. Also you have to check the weather conditions as this could lead the sport being potentially dangerous such as storms and windy weather. Risk Assessment 1. You are about to conduct a badminton coaching session in the sports all. * Make sure that none of the equipment is faulty. E.g. rackets have sufficient grip, nets secured correctly. * Make sure that there is no wet floor * Make sure there is no obstructions in the way of the courts 2. You are taking a year 7 group onto the field for football. * Make sure that everyone is wearing the correct protective equipment. (e.g. shin pads) * Make sure that there are no obstacles on the pitch or area where football will be played * Make sure the weather conditions are suitable for playing * Make sure that the pitch is suitable to play on by making sure its not icy or waterlogged Potential risk of playing- 1. Badminton * Fire * Falls * Foul play * Asthma attack * Hyperthermia * Slips * Lack of communication that could result in injury * Sensible behaviour * Know how to set up safe equipment 2. Football * Falls * Foul play * Asthma attack * Hyperthermia * Spinal Injury * Broken bones * Concussion * Weather conditions * Lack of communication that could result in injury * Sensible behaviour * Potholes * All spare equipment is out of the way * Posts are secured

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Chinas Pollution Essay

When people think about China the main thing that comes to mind is its wonderful scenery and growing economy. China has been catching up to the rest of the world by industrializing. According to the organization for economic corporation department (OECD) â€Å" Chinas Economy will overtake the U.S. as the biggest in the world by 2016†. However there are many concerns leading up to Chinas success. In the middle of China’s extraordinary economic growth and industrial growth, the energy outputs to supporting this growth has resulted in an all time high in pollution. This growth has caused China to be the most polluted country in the world. Many parts of China are suffering from water and air pollution due to coal mining and the dumping of toxic wastes. The question we ask today is what has the government done to tackle the pollution issue? Pollution in China has been a major problem for years, dating all the way back to the Mao Zedong and the Industrial Revolution. The government was so preoccupied with the growing agriculture they overlooked the situation. However with angry citizens and protesters they tried implementing different ways to protect the environment. Environmental officials finally took action, creating different laws to improve the air quality and regulate the water. Chinas economy is on a historic run relying on resources such as coal and water for their development. However Chinas increasingly polluted environment is largely due to the country’s hurried industry development causing large increase in energy consumption. This pollution problem has left a deadly impact on the people in China. Air pollution is so bad that in some parts citizens cant see the sun but because of the smoke and fog. The World Health Organization has estimated that this air pollution is responsible for 300,000 premature deaths annually. Those staggering numbers are a major problem that needs to be regulated. Chinese cities are covered in lethal cloak, which leads to water and air contamination. Nearly 500 million Chinese citizens lack the access to unsafe drinking water and 1 percent out of the 560 million breath safe air. China is thriving because of its expanding industry however by using resources such as coal. Coal is a useful resource however it is a very dir ty source and contaminates the air when burned. The industrial industry is allowing China to flourish economically but at the same time leaving a drastic impact on the people.  One of Chinas leading environmental researchers, Wang Jinnan, announced â€Å" It is a very awkward situation for the country because our greatest achievement is also our biggest burden†. This explains how resources such as coal contribute to the growing industry but also has deadly effects on the people. Chinas economy is on a historic run but is it worth putting peoples lives in jeopardy? China’s reliance on coal has an effect on the air quality. It is said that China burns more coal then the U.S., Europe and Japan combined. The sulfur dioxide that is emitted from the coal and fuel can affect breathing, cause respiratory illnesses and lung diseases. An unpublicized report done by the Chinese academy of Environmentalist planning said in estimate that yearly premature deaths attributed from outdoor pollution is on track to reach 550,000 in 2 020. This alarming statistic has China’s people worrying and curious to see what the government is up to. Air pollution not only affected the people but also the water, produce and other resources. The lack of fresh water in China evolves around the contamination of the Water due to illegal littering. In different regions in China factories and farms dump waste into the surface water. Chinas environmentalist monitors say â€Å" One- third of all river, and vast sections of Chinas great lakes†¦ have water rated grade v, the most degrading level†. As a result of this contaminated water China has the highest liver and stomach cancer deaths in the world. Water pollution is a complicated part of Chinas problem and is hard to be prevented. As a result of the dumping of wastes into main rivers and lakes many Chinese citizens don’t have fresh water to drink. Leaving many people thirsty is not a problem government official’s want for their country. In Liangqiao, a small village in China, citizens blame the Mining Corporation for the dumping of chemicals into tributaries in the Laza River. This creates for a shortage of drinking water and untenable for agricultural use. A professor in South China’s agricultural University says, â€Å" The mining company’s waste flows directly into the Laza River which runs into the Pearl River, a major source of drinking water for 12 million residents of Guangzhou city,† This is a horrific problem and the government needs to react now before it gets worse. Riots broke out in a Xinchang, city in China, over the environmental degradation. Citizens are angry at the lack of government initiative in the pollution and took matters into there own hands. One outraged villager  explained, â€Å" Our fields won’t produce grain anymore†¦we don’t dare to eat food grown from anywhere near here†. The agriculture is declining, leaving farmers with a scarce amount of good. Government officials were overlooking this problem in order to keep the economy growing. In just 30 years china has made an extraordinary development economically and with the governments help China can thrive even further by implementing environmental regulations for the people. Over the years, government officials implemented ways to help the pollution problem as well as maintaining economic development. Alarmed by the repercussions of industrialization and urbanization, Chinas environmental agencies are working on imputing laws to regulate the pollution. One of the first improvements made was the removal of lead, which was beneficial to Hong Kong by reducing their mortality rate. Recognizing the problem Chinese leaders such as Deng Xiaoping and Prime Minister Jiaboa are speaking out, telling the people about different environmental protection laws. Although there are many objectives set forth by the government to fix this pollution problem, no real noticeable actions have taken effect. The Chinese Government is more worried about the economy then the people. The most determined effort control china’s fast industrial growth was the project known as the â€Å" Green G.D.P.†, â€Å"which was an effort to create an environmental yardstick for evaluating the performance of every official in China. It recalculated the gross domestic product to reflect the cost of pollution†. This was an effort to regulate the financial loss that pollution had on the economy. However the government pulled out of the project in 2007. The Chinese government saw that the financial and economic issues that resulted from the G.D.P. such as the struggles realizing that any attempt to prevent pollution would hinder it economically. The frightened idea to interrupt China’s growing economy is a reason why China still has pollution today. In attempts to stick to their original goals to prevent pollution, China began to make continuous efforts. In Linfen, China, known as the heaviest polluted city in the word, officials have set up laws to help clean up the region. The Xiangfen County Environmental Protection Bureau announced that seven factories will close due to their environmental harm. Chinese environmentalist Yang spoke out about the factories saying,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"If they fail to meet the (pollution) goals in the first year, their superiors will raise the topic; in the second year, they will receive a formal warning; in the third year, they will be removed from post.† By threatening the closing down of factories, results in a greater up keep among factories. The only problem that would result in closing down these factories is unemployment; however, the health of the people is more important. In 2011, Toyota Motor announced that they would be making low-emission cars in China. China has the biggest market of cars and creating an environmentally safe way to market a car is upright. Further-more, in recent years, China’s attempts to help the environment have been successful and hasn’t prevented economic progression. In the City of Lizhou, the environmental conditions were horrid because of the rapid industrialization and urbanization. However, by implementing the improvement in clean water, the citizens have benefited greatly. The Lizhou Environmental Management Project set forth to invest in sewage networks, wastewater treatment plants, and waste collection stations. As a result of the advancement, wastewater treatment in the City has increased from 15 percent in 2005 to over 75 percent in 2011. The project was designed to provide clean water for poor urban areas in China. This is a stepping-stone for China and can hopefully lead to more change. China’s industry development dates all the way back to the Great Leap Forward when Mao’s goal was to increase agricultural output; with All things considered, the communist government has acknowledged the major pollution problem in the country but is slow in terminating it. It needs to stop worrying so much about the growing economy and think more about the health of its people, an issue that stems from the pollution problem in china. As the environmental situation declines, China will not only become a healthier, more appealing place to live, but also raise funding through tourism and environmental technology, garnering the economical gains that the government strives to get.

Ambitious leader

Not everyone Is capable of being an ambitious leader. Ambition Is an Intense desire for achievement or distinction. Some individuals are born with an inner motive that pushes them to find solutions. An ambitious leader is someone who is confident, open-minded, and has self-control. Confidence is an essential aspect when it comes to being an ambitious leader.You can teach an ambitious leader to be a mentor, problem solver, and a better communicator, yet without believing in themselves that leadership is nothing more Han Just a title. Ambitious leaders believe in themselves and the decisions they make which tend to lead to success. Many ambitious leaders are certain that they need to make confident decisions, follow them through and admit when they have made a mistake. The ability to keep an open mind Is an essential quality of ambitious leaders.When a leader Is open-minded they tend to be humble or flexible. An ambitious leader will have a habit of keeping an open mind as a way of all owing new and useful ideas to arise in whatever it is they are doing. Taking in new options being noninsured in that person's decision-making process is what makes an ambitious leader successful. Self-control is a significant aspect ambitious leaders have. Self-control involves managing one's emotions and urges in order to control inappropriate reactions and create energy in a positive way.Ambitious leaders stay calm and perceptive under high stress or during a crisis to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Self-control additionally requires mind-control. One thing ambitious leaders are certain of Is that they need to control their mind or It will end up controlling them, which leads to negative effects on one's leadership. An ambitious leader who demonstrates great self-control possesses a charisma that can encourage passionate devotion from his or her followers.Not everyone is capable of being an ambitious leader. Ambition is an intense The ability to keep an open mind is an esse ntial quality of ambitious leaders. When a leader is open-minded they tend to be humble or flexible. An ambitious additionally requires mind-control. One thing ambitious leaders are certain of is that they need to control their mind or it will end up controlling them, which leads to negative effects on one's leadership. An ambitious leader who demonstrates great.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Perfomance and Occupation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Perfomance and Occupation - Essay Example This paper will focus on the importance of the understanding of the occupation and this paper would also try to find out the proper occupational therapy to improve the performance of the employees. Introduction: To be written†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Value of skills and knowledge in the occupational therapy: To be written†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Professional skills: Personal and Professional Development, is the most important part of any educational course. The academic remarks will fetch good marks in the exams but, in the professional field the personal and professional development is very much important. The proper combination of good academics and the PPD would help a person to achieve a sustainable position in the real life corporate world. For any corporate on-job projects needs a personal and professional development training, because the fresher are not accustomed with the corporate world. And each and every organization has their own scale of professionalism and expectations from the employees. For any graduate the on-job projects are successful while they get confident about their personal and professional development during the projects. Most of the business schools send their students to the on-job training to get accustomed with the corporate world so, while they join the organizations in their final recruitment, they would be polished enough to join as the professionals. For any on-job training there is a learning stage and most of the time this learning stage is an ongoing process. This paper would try to reveal all the positive learning and the personal and professional developments during the training. The main outcomes of the process are written bellow. The meaning of success: It is very important to know the meaning of success. It is very easy to say that a course is very successful but it is very important to understand meaning of success. Erik Weihenmayer treated as one of the most successful man to reach his dream. He climbed the Mount Everest being the first blind men to reach the peak of the Everest (Throop and Castellucci, 2003). Now it is very important to understand why he is been treated as one of the most successful man, well, reaching the personal goal with the help of professional experience can be treated as the success. He was a blinded at the age of 13 and started climbing from the age of 16. With hard work and touch of professionalism he reached his goal and that is the reason he was successful. Same way in this case the meaning of success has been found with the proper blend of self belief, potentiality and values. Self belief: the confidence is a very important factor for any job to be done successfully. Nobody is perfect at the beginning; he or she has to nourish him or herself to gain the confidence. And with the mistakes the perfection will come, and that will make the person more confident. Potentiality: trainings are basically to improve the potentials of the individuals. Potentiality is a hidden strength and with the proper training it can be strengthened. The trainings and on-job projects help the individuals to learn from the others and it also teaches to understand the potentiality of the others. Values: personal values, professional values, ethical values and the ability to respect the values of the fellow employees are very much important. The particular course taught to respect what other thinks, how they feel and how an individual should act toward the values of the others. Organizational changes towards the better

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Introduction to the internet and e-business Assignment

Introduction to the internet and e-business - Assignment Example The transaction is completed when commission is divided between both estate agents because of being part of a transaction. Answer 2 Home Choice will benefit from having its own website because those customers, who could not travel and approach Home Choice at its offices, will directly log onto its website and submit their buying or selling bid. For instance, all parties and clients could be informed about available property units in different localities through automatic email generation process; thereby enhancing communication and business contacts with customers. Also, Home Choice will get a competitive edge because it could reduce by closing some money losing offices in expensive London city. Answer 3 An e-business is a business model that enables the organisations, end-users and governments to do business through leveraging technology and using the Internet and features of World Wide Web (the Web) to complete transactions (Roberts, 2004). Answer 4 Internet enables businesses and consumers in real time interaction and communication through email, videoconferencing, teleconferencing, chat etc. Indeed, these mentioned options are quite appropriate for transferring messages across the internet, thereby enabling communication at a very low cost. For instance, the use of Skype has further facilitated this message transfer from sender to recipient and feedback from recipient to sender. Answer 5 The main features of Hyper Text Markup Language include facilitation in multimedia objects, scripting, background colour, marquee, tags, style sheets, hyperlinks, tables and layout, forms and math etc. In other words, latest versions of HTML also include the new features that are still not completely explored. Answer 6 An internet is a network of networks through which end-users could connect to external world networks and people. Internet has, nevertheless, reduced boundaries among nations as people across USA could contact through a click to users 7,000 miles away in sub- continent. On the contrary, Intranet is an internal network that is used by organisations / institutions to enables its employees to transfer and share information within the premises. Whereas, extranet are also used by organisations to bridge gaps between / among their internal and external customers. For example, employees could share a company’s some (not all) internal information through extranet with their clients, suppliers, partners etc. Answer 7 First of all, Home Choice has to develop / design a website so that it could provide available buying and selling property units. Next, Home Choice has to implement an online purchase / sales system in which the admin will play the role of moderator. This would enable parties to communicate when they could approach company’s office for official visit to property unit and negotiations. Offers could also be submitted online in case face-to-face deal is not possible due to distance and time constraints. Answer 8 E-business is actually a different business model because it provides the luxury of online transactions without even travelling personally to shops, offices and showrooms. The model is proven successful when a company has established its brands and when it offers top quality brands at justified prices with excellent sales service. Circuit City, a US based supermarket which is now completely online based, is one of the major examples. However, the model does not proven successful if